Monday, January 18, 2016

Ken's Ultimate Cauli-Mac-n-Cheese

In September 1995, I came across a recipe in Bon Appetit called the Ultimate Macaroni and Cheese, and for years it had been my go-to recipe for a special mac-n-cheese. Its taste wasn't for everyone -- some either love, love, love it (as did I), or they dislike it (maybe because they're accustomed to mac-n-cheese from a box!)

On LCHF, macaroni's out, as is flour, but neither of those made this recipe special.  Instead, this recipe's magic comes from the various creams, the extra-sharp cheddar, and the spice mixture... all of which carry over perfectly into LCHF wonderland.

3 cups roasted cauliflower, diced (1/2" chunks)
5 oz. extra-sharp cheddar cheese, diced (1/2" cubes)

1 1/3 cup half-n-half
1 1/3 cup heavy cream
2/3 cup sour cream
2 large eggs
2 large egg yolks
3/4 tsp. worcestershire sauce
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 tsp. dry mustard
1/4 tsp. freshly-ground black pepper
1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper
1/8 tsp. ground nutmeg

5 oz. extra-sharp cheddar cheese, grated

Pre-heat oven to 350º

Combine the roasted cauliflower and the cubed sharp cheddar cheese in a buttered 9x13 pan.

Mix together the creams, eggs and egg yolks, the worcestershire sauce and the dry ingredients, then pour over the cauliflower and cubed cheese.

Top with the grated extra-sharp cheddar cheese.

Bake at 350º for 45 mins -- the cauli-mac should be set and starting to brown.

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