Sunday, April 12, 2009

Flushing the Outhouse

We were out Sunday driving today when Hayden said she needed to the use the restroom. We were miles from any restaurants or gas stations, but there was a state park just a mile away -- so that's where we went.

I drove past two shelter houses whose restrooms were too far from the parking area until I found what appeared to be a stand-alone outhouse fairly close to the road.

I checked it out. It didn't look bad, so I wiped down the seat and sent Hayden inside.

Her first question: Where's the sink?

I explained it was just an outhouse, that there wasn't a sink.

She looked around, looked through the toilet into the tank, and then decided it was safe enough. I stepped outside while she went about her business.

After she finished and started back to the car, I asked if she flushed.

The expression on her face read, "Oh my, I think I forgot!" She turned to go back, but then remembered.

I laughed, and she said, "Dad!"

That wasn't the first "Dad!" I've gotten from her. I doubt it'll be the last one either.

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