Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The hard way or the easy way...

One of KC's favorite sayings to the kids is, "We can do this the hard way or the easy way." Hard way meaning the right hand of fellowship applied to the seat of knowledge or the easy way they can just do it without any assistance. It is usually preceded by one of the kids not wanting to put their shoes on or not wanting to sit in that particular seat in the van. You know what I mean — those everyday little battles that seem so important to them at the time.

One day his words came back to haunt him. Kaleb and I were getting ready so we could all go to lunch, and KC was the last one ready (as usual). After numerous times of running up and down the stairs to daddy's office to see if he was ready to go, Kaleb finally said, "Now, Daddy, we can do this the hard way or the easy way!"

1 comment:

  1. I must clarify a little on the hard way. It most often means I move them through the motions that I'd prefer they did on their own.

    I once told Korben he was going to school the hard way or the easy way. He didn't move. I picked him up out of his bed, changed his clothes, and carried him to the car -- by which point he figured out he preferred the easy way.

    I once told Hayden she was going to take a shower the hard way or the easy way. She didn't move. I picked her up and set her down in the shower -- clothes and all. She then figured out she'd have preferred the easy way.
